Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

After staying in and relaxing on Saturday night, it was time to venture out on Sunday. We started the day with French Toast and coffee, then waited around until we finally formed a group and headed to an area of town called Niewemarket. They were supposed to have corn on the cob there and we were dying to try it. After taking the metro downtown, we walked around a bit, but discovered we have already been to that area of town and never found the corn. We did spend a long time talking with a local shop owner, though, so the trip was still a success.

 Afterward, we came home to rest and get ready to watch the Super Bowl, which aired at 12:30 am here. We had a nice Chinese dinner, prepared by our wonderful chef Nick and then headed downtown around 10. Only a few bars were playing the game, but we went into one that was very crowded. We also brought along our friend from France, who may have been deceived by my excitement to watch the game. I told her it was similar to Christmas: a lot of food, people getting together, parties, and it only comes once a year. I don't think she felt this was an accurate analogy. At the bar I met two guys from the States, who had lived over here about three years for work. When I asked them what they missed the most about home, they said: Mexican food!! Also, when he asked where I lived, I jokingly said the ghetto and he said "Oh by the arena?" So apparently we live in a pretty bad part of town!

Other than the bar and chicken wings, watching the Super Bowl here was pretty depressing. First of all, I was under the impression that watching the game aired live via ESPN AMERICA I would see American commercials. It had American pre-game show, American announcers, but no American commercials. Since I didn't really care about either team, the commercials were very important to me this year. The commercials are an integral part of the Super Bowl and not having them was a disappointment. Additionally, I was very disappointed in the choice of Christina Aguilara to sing the National Anthem (and mess up) and I was not impressed with the Black Eyed Peas. I guess this was the first time I really missed America!! We stayed until half time (about 2:30 am) then came home.

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