Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Back to School

Well today is Wednesday and classes started here this week. I had almost forgotten that the reason I am here is to actually attend school. I feel like this has already been such a learning experience that I don't really need class (lol)! Of course, the sponsors of this trip (my parents) feel differently so I am making class work a priority.

Monday was my very first day and was an overall poor experience. The rooms are numbered, so I thought it would be no problem finding my class. First of all, I should tell you all that in the Netherlands, the first floor is numbered 0, not 1. In my building, where there is a basement, it is numbered -1. It really makes sense I suppose, 0 is always the ground floor. Secondly, in my dorm building, the rooms are simply numbered in order, so room 119 is on floor 7. My room, 074, is on floor 4. It is kind of annoying because you never know what floor to find people on.

Anyway, I digress, back to school. My first class was in room 3.005. When I arrived on floor 3, I found that odd numbered rooms are to the left, even to the right. No problem so far. Apparently, however, the rooms are in no certain order and numbers are often skipped. I don't know if there is some type of code I'm not in on, but room 3.005, was smack dab in the middle of the building, next to room 3.009. When I finally found the room, I was 15 minutes late and I didn't want to be remembered as the late girl, so I noted that my friend was inside and spent the next hour finding all my other classrooms so as not to make the same mistake twice. I was able to get all the notes and find out we didn't do much, since it was just the first day. All was well again. I was hoping my second class at 3 would go better, but no such luck. Turns out, it was the second half of a class taught last semester. The book was two inches thick and they were starting in chapter 12. I had absolutely NO CLUE what was going on. Luckily, I was able to get into another class tomorrow and my advisor graciously agreed to substitute the classes. I am pleased to say the next two days went much smoother, minus an alarm mishap today. Luckily my neighbor buzzed me and I was able to make it to class on time! I have a lot of friends in my classes so that makes things easier.

With the start of classes, I haven't been able to accomplish much. Our shopping center closes at 6 so it is difficult to get there after class. I need one more big trip to buy a few more supplies for my room, such as a long mirror and some type of box/decorative something to keep all my make-up in so that it is not sprawled out all over the sink constantly. There is very limited drawer space here!! I promise to post pics of my room soon on facebook. Facebook seems to be the way to go for pictures, it's just easier to put them all there instead of here. I try to write informative captions, but if you have questions you can ask! If you don't have Facebook, let me know and I can send you some pictures via e-mail.

Yesterday it rained for the first time. It wasn't so much a rain as a really cold mist. It was cold but not too bad. I am bracing myself for more rainy days come spring time. I know it is snowing and icing at home, so I'll take rain and 32 degrees and be happy!

Well that's all for now folks. Hope you are enjoying the blog!

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