Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad...

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for coming all the way to visit me-even though I know that sight-seeing in big cities is not your usual idea of a vacation. It meant so much to me that you would spend your time and money coming all the way over here-especially dad who has not had a vacation in almost a year! You sacrificed family vacation and your beloved Texas fishing trip to work in West Virginia, but you managed to find the time to fly all the way over here to see me! I am happy to be one of the (very, very few) things in your life that rank higher than fishing trips.

This has been an amazing experience for me and I never would have had the courage to do it without your love, support, and encouragement. I am so truly and amazingly blessed to have the opportunities you have provided and I could never thank the two of you enough for everything you have given me.

I had an absolutely wonderful week with the two of you. I really loved showing you around my new "home" and introducing you to my friends. We had a lot of laughs, a few arguments, and made a lot of memories. I enjoyed experiencing new parts of Amsterdam with you, like shopping,eating in nice restaurants, and going to museums. I still haven't seen Anne Frank's house and the Van Gogh museum did not even begin to repay Dad for all the space centers, museums, trees, historic landmarks, and lack of pandas we have seen on his vacations. I especially enjoyed the herring tar tare and the cheese in France (NOT!). Some of my favorite times were sitting with you in Vondel Park and under the Eifel Tower, just watching people and talking. 

Thanks to mom, I have some lovely pictures of the trip displayed in my room now. I miss you both very much, but seeing you made me a little less homesick. I love you and could never say thank you enough, but Dank U Wel for a wonderful week!
I love you!
-Meggy Jo

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